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From:	 Shawn Starr <spstarr@sh0n.net>
To:	 linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: 2.4.18-rc1-xfs-shawn6 released
Date:	 Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:26:34 -0500 (EST)

xfs-2.4.18-rc1-shawn6   against 2.4.17 vanilla. (Feb 17th, 2002)


2.4.18-rc1                      (Marcelo Tosatti)
rmap12f                         (Rik van Riel
                                 William Lee Irwin III)
Newest XFS from CVS-HEAD        (me)
IDE taskfile IO patch           (Andre Hedrick)


Removed -pre9-ac4 because Quotas seem to break hard with XFS/EXT2/3.
- This hurts the merge of XFS into -mjc until we sort this out.


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