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From:	 Phil Dibowitz <webmaster@ipom.com>
To:	 netfilter@lists.samba.org
Subject: Announcement: IP Tables State
Date:	 Sat, 23 Feb 2002 04:11:43 -0800

Hey everyone,

I've written software to help you see what states are on your firewall. Based on 
the idea of IP Filter's "statetop" feature, IP Tables State displays states in 
your firewall in a top-like format, in real-time.

While this information is otherwise obtained via /proc/net/ip_conntrack, IP 
Tables State displays this information in a nice, easy to read manner.

It has the ability to sort by multiple criteria, including reverse sort by any 
field. It has the ability to customize refresh times. It also has the ability to 
just display the state table once and exit.

The software is posted here:


Let me know what you all think.

Insanity Palace of Metallica