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From:	 Linux Gazette <gazette@ssc.com>
To:	 lg-announce@ssc.com
Subject: [LG]  FAQ URLs moved -- note to bookmarkers and mirror administrators
Date:	 Thu, 28 Mar 2002 21:35:10 -0800

This message is for Linux Gazette mirror administrators, and for readers with
bookmarks to LG FAQ pages.  Those who just go to the home page and click on 
links can ignore this message.

The following FAQ URLs on the main LG site have moved.

        /authors.html        ->   /faq/author.html
        /lg_faq.html         ->   /faq/index.html
        /lg_frontpage.html   ->   /index.html
        /ssc.copying.html    ->   /copying.html
        /tag-faq.html        ->   /tag/members-faq.html
        /tag-guide.html      ->   /tag/ask-the-gang.html
        /tag-kb.html         ->   /tag/kb.html

The purpose is to provide more logical, expandable and self-evident locations
for these items.  All the internal links in the back issues have been adjusted.
Since 99.9% of LG's internal links are relative, this should port to the 
mirror sites as is.  Mirrors may want to do a full resync to the main site (after
tonight) to ensure you get all the changes.

I have put rewrites on the main server so the old URLs will work; e.g., for
people who have bookmarked http://www.linuxgazette.com/lg_faq.html .  Here
are the rewrite rules we're using, if you wish to paste them into your mirror's
configuration.  (This is optional.  It matters only if you think your
readers have bookmarked these URLs on your site.)

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/authors.html$ /faq/author.html [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/(lg_)?faq.html$ /faq/ [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/lg_frontpage.html$ / [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/ssc.copying.html$ /copying.html [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/tag-faq.html$ /tag/members-faq.html [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/tag-guide.html$ /tag/ask-the-gang.html [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/tag-kb.html$ /tag/kb.html [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/wgindex.html$ /search.html [R,L]

There may be a few smaller changes over the next few days if any loose
ends come to light.

The April issue will be published Sunday night.

Mike Orr, Editor, Linux Gazette    SSC: publishers of Linux Journal
gazette@ssc.com                     http://www.linuxjournal.com/

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