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From:	 Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>
To:	 cook-lisp@lwn.net
Subject: The Lisp Magazine at lisp-p.org - first issue published
Date:	 Tue, 09 Apr 2002 08:39:53 +0200

The first issue (number 0, Sunday, 7 April 2002) of the free, online "The
Lisp Magazine at lisp-p.org", also known as "Yadda Lambda", has been
published. It features an article on using Vim as a Lisp editor and the
first installment in a regular column on CLOS. The first installment of the
column, "CLOSminded", covers class slot accessor names.

number 0, 7 April 2002

The Lisp Magazine at lisp-p.org

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