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From:	 Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>
To:	 cook-lisp@lwn.net
Subject: Meta-CVS
Date:	 Sun, 07 Apr 2002 15:41:16 +0200

Meta-CVS is a tool written in Common Lisp that, according to its author,
could be the next killer application in freeware version control. Meta-CVS
is a version control tool layered on top of CVS. One of its major features
is a database representation that allows concurrent versioning of the
directory structure.

Meta-CVS is at an early stage of development and, besides CVS, it currently
requires a Linux system with glibc2 and a /dev/urandom device, and CLISP
built with glibc2 bindings.

Meta-CVS home page

FreshMeat entry

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