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From:	 Joe Drew <hoserhead@woot.net>
To:	 debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: Debconf update
Date:	 06 May 2002 22:00:40 -0400

For those who don't know, Debconf 2 will be held at York University in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from July 5-7, 2002.

I have percieved some confusion as to just what the target audience and
subject matter of Debconf 2 will be. First: Debconf is not an expo or
booth-based conference like Comdex or even ALS. Debconf is based around
talks, demos and discussions, and will be highly technical in nature.
Its target audience is Debian developers, though technical Debian users
are welcome to attend as well. Anybody who wasn't clear on what Debconf
was and doesn't want to attend anymore, please e-mail me immediately.

There is no charge to attend Debconf aside from the fees you incur in
getting to York University and the cost of staying in Toronto, either at
York University or off-campus at a hotel.

When you register for Debconf at http://lindows.com/debconf2 , I receive
confirmation that you have registered, but you *do not*. I expect that
sometime this week I will be sending out information to all registered
users telling them how they can reserve and/or pay for their rooms at
York University. You *need* a credit card in order to confirm your room
booking. If this is a problem you will have to find someone else to book
a room or somewhere else to stay. Sorry.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, 2002. This means that York needs to receive your
confirmation form on or before that date, not that you need to register
by that date. Therefore, I plan to make Friday, May 31, 2002 the last
day you can register for Debconf 2. If you don't make this deadline you
can still come, but you won't be able to have the arrangements made
through us.

An updated Debconf schedule (hopefully the final schedule) will be
released this week.

Anybody with further questions please e-mail me immediately.

Joe Drew <hoserhead@woot.net> <drew@debian.org>

Please encrypt email sent to me.