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From:	 Norbert Sendetzky <norbert@linuxnetworks.de>
To:	 linux-fsdevel@vger.kernel.org
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Secure Internet File System - alpha version
Date:	 Thu, 2 May 2002 16:06:49 +0200

Hi friends

Finally I was able to hunt down the last annoying bug and now, I am 
pleased to be able to provide the first (read-only) version of the 
Secure Internet File System (SIFS) to you.

The SIFS is a transparent way to access remote files over an 
authenticated and encrypted tunnel and is based on the OpenSSH client 
and server (which handle authentication and encryption). As part of 
my diplomathesis, I've written an OpenSSH server module and a Linux 
filesystem driver (up to now, both perform just read-only 
operations), which can be found on http://www.linuxnetworks.de/sifs/

There is also the diplomathesis as pdf document available, which 
contains a complete description of the protocol and the missing 
parts. I don't know, if it is ready for a RFC draft, but it should be 
a good starting point if we would like to do so.

As I said before, the implementation is not yet complete, because all 
operations for modifying remote files are still missing. I would like 
to know, if there is any interest in further development, because I 
don't know, if I have enough time to complete the code in a 
reasonable amount of time. Please let me know.


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