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May <== | Timeline Home | ==> July |
Open source is not available to commercial companies. The way the
license is written, if you use any open-source software, you have
to make the rest of your software open source. If the government
wants to put something in the public domain, it should. Linux is
not in the public domain. Linux is a cancer that attaches itself
in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. That's
the way that the license works.
-- Steve Ballmer. |
XFree86 4.1.0 is released (release notes).
Prof. Edward Felten files suit against the RIAA and others for their attempted suppression of his SDMI cracking work (EFF announcement).
The tenth anniversary of the PGP 1.0 release is celebrated (note from Phil).
SuSE Linux 7.2 is released (announcement).
The TV Linux Alliance is formed to promote set-top Linux deployments (web site).
Welcome to CML2 Adventure, version 1.6.1.
You are in a maze of twisty little Linux kernel options
menus, all different.
-- kernel configuration should be fun. |
Linux boots on a VAX, thanks to the (perhaps misdirected) efforts of the Linux/VAX project (announcement).
Linux contains over $1 billion worth of software according to this
study by David A. Wheeler.
The GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) 3.0 is released (announcement).
What if the VM were your little Tuxigachi. A little critter that
lived in your computer, handling all the memory, swap, and cache
management. What would be the positive and negative feedback you'd
give him to tell him how well he's doing VM?
-- New approaches to the 2.4 VM problems |
Linus says that the 2.5 kernel will open up "in a week or two" (posting).
The LNX-BBC (bootable business card) distribution launches (announcement).
VA Linux Systems exits the hardware business, choosing to concentrate on SourceForge instead (announcement). The company also lays off 150 people.
In a press release issued Wednesday afternoon, VA Linux CEO Larry
M. Augustin called the shift in strategy a logical move. "Our
differentiating strength has always been our software expertise,"
Augustin said.
-- Wired. You only thought VA was a hardware company. |
MandrakeSoft states that it will go public on the EuroNext Marché Libre.
Red Hat launches new consulting services oriented toward companies migrating to Linux (announcement).
IBM releases JFS 1.0, adding another journaling filesystem for Linux (announcement).
There are over 2300 commercial Linux applications, according to a press release from IBM.
Red Hat Database launches, built around PostgreSQL.
May <== | Timeline Home | ==> July |