Amlogic SoC DDR Bandwidth Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU)¶
The Amlogic Meson G12 SoC contains a bandwidth monitor inside DRAM controller. The monitor includes 4 channels. Each channel can count the request accessing DRAM. The channel can count up to 3 AXI port simultaneously. It can be helpful to show if the performance bottleneck is on DDR bandwidth.
Currently, this driver supports the following 5 perf events:
meson_ddr_bw/chan_{1,2,3,4}_rw_bytes/ events are channel-specific events. Each channel support filtering, which can let the channel to monitor individual IP module in SoC.
Below are DDR access request event filter keywords:
arm - from CPU
vpu_read1 - from OSD + VPP read
gpu - from 3D GPU
pcie - from PCIe controller
hdcp - from HDCP controller
hevc_front - from HEVC codec front end
usb3_0 - from USB3.0 controller
hevc_back - from HEVC codec back end
h265enc - from HEVC encoder
vpu_read2 - from DI read
vpu_write1 - from VDIN write
vpu_write2 - from di write
vdec - from legacy codec video decoder
hcodec - from H264 encoder
ge2d - from ge2d
spicc1 - from SPI controller 1
usb0 - from USB2.0 controller 0
dma - from system DMA controller 1
arb0 - from arb0
sd_emmc_b - from SD eMMC b controller
usb1 - from USB2.0 controller 1
audio - from Audio module
sd_emmc_c - from SD eMMC c controller
spicc2 - from SPI controller 2
ethernet - from Ethernet controller
Show the total DDR bandwidth per seconds:
perf stat -a -e meson_ddr_bw/total_rw_bytes/ -I 1000 sleep 10Show individual DDR bandwidth from CPU and GPU respectively, as well as sum of them:
perf stat -a -e meson_ddr_bw/chan_1_rw_bytes,arm=1/ -I 1000 sleep 10 perf stat -a -e meson_ddr_bw/chan_2_rw_bytes,gpu=1/ -I 1000 sleep 10 perf stat -a -e meson_ddr_bw/chan_3_rw_bytes,arm=1,gpu=1/ -I 1000 sleep 10